
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wpływ prawa rosnących przychodów na strategie przedsiębiorstwa

Nowe prawa, zasady funkcjonowania firm w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy znacząco wpływają na strategie i strukturę organizacyjną przedsiębiorstw. W dalszym ciągu toczy się dyskusja o potrzebie przejęcia nowych stylów zarządzania przez wszystkie firmy, aby zachować konkurencyjność. Zmiany te wymagają spłaszczenia struktury organizacji, zorientowanie firmy na cele, elastyczności strategicznej, itp. Czy na pewno firmy działające w tradycyjnych obszarach gospodarki muszą przejąć ten model zarządzania?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ekonomika Internetu: Prawo rosnących przychodów

W tradycyjnej gospodarce miało i nadal ma zastosowanie prawo malejących przychodów (ang. decreasing returns). Po raz pierwszy zostało ono opisane przez Alfreda Marshall'a na początku zeszłego stulecia. Mówi ono, że firma powinna zwiększać produkcję do momentu, kiedy przychód krańcowy z dodatkowej jednostki produkcji równa się jej krańcowemu kosztowi (MR=MC, przy założeniu, że dane przedsiębiorstwo działa na rynku konkurencji doskonałej).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Customer value models

According to Anderson, Jain & Chintagunta (1993) there are nine methods to assess customer value that are commonly used by companies: (1) internal engineering assessment, (2) field value-in-use assessment,
(3) focus group value assessment, (4) direct survey questions, (5) importance ratings, (6) benchmarks, (7) conjoint or tradeoff analysis, (8) compositional approach, (9) indirect survey question. Although, as suggested above, the companies have a wide range of tools to measure customer value, Anderson & Narus (1998) suggest that the best toolkit to measure what customers value  is provided by customer value models. They are based on assessments of the costs and benefits of a given market offering in a particular customer application. For this purpose field value assessment needs to be used, also known as value-in-use or cost-in-use, which is believed to be the most accurate method. It is worth noting that in practice customer value can only be estimated.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Customer value in B2B markets

Customer value plays important role especially in business markets. It is crucial for suppliers to identify the value of a product for a customer and effectively communicate it. Many customers understand their needs but often they do not realize what value the fulfillment of the requirements will bring to their businesses. From the supplier perspective this is an opportunity to show the value of their offerings. Suppliers need to translate features and benefits of their offerings and help their customers answer the question: What is it worth for my business? Growing number of suppliers realize that understanding what the customers value would help them to gain competitive advantage over their competitors.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

YouTube: Online video advertisement

In October 2007 the online video marketplace was in a state of explosive growth and change. Only a third of the U.S. population reported watching Internet video, but this percentage was expected to dramatically grow[i]. Most consumers were still unwilling to pay for content beyond full-length movies and TV shows[ii]. Experimentation with ad-supported business models was rising and expected to drive broader consumption of Internet video in the coming years. Ad revenues were for the time being still very low, however, many competitors were eager to stake a claim on the market.[iii]
It was still unclear which business models would ultimately prove viable. Google had made a bet that YouTube and Google Video would be a winning combination. While Google had an enviable track record, it had not scored many major successes comparable to its search engine in spite of its massive investment in new product development. Below I underlined some major characteristics of online video advertising market and challenges that YouTube is facing at the moment.